Shinwon Kyung (PhD)

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Director, Urban and Community Research Center
Lecturer, University of Seoul
Researcher, RCHI, MIT


Housing and urban (re)development policy and practice
Urban regeneration and sustainable communities
Neighborhood renewal and community involvement
Housing, poverty and social exclusion (migrant workers and refugees)
Social capital, community cohesion and community resilience


University of Birmingham (UK), PhD, Urban and Regional Studies
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), SM, Urban Studies and Planning
Seoul National University (Korea), MA, Landscape Architecture


Korea Housing Institute (Korea), Researcher
University of Birmingham (UK), Assistant Professor
Urban Institute (USA), Consultant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), SPURS & Cambridge Fellow
Seoul National University (Korea), Lecturer
University of Seoul (Korea), Lecturer


엄마 말대로 그때 아파트를 샀어야 했다: 고용없는 경제성장 시대에 ‘집’이란 무엇인가? | 사무사책방 | 2021
흔들리는 서울의 골목길: 밀레니얼과 젠트리피케이션 | 파람북 | 2019


The role of coworking spaces in small and medium sized shrinking cities: The case of South Korea | Cities | 2024
청년인구 유입 및 활동을 위한 지방 중소도시 코워킹 스페이스 이용 실태분석 | 국토연구 | 2023
Who are the people leading the gentrification process in Itaewon? | Seoul Studies | 2019
What, in Practice, has been the Impact of Community Involvement on Improving the Circumstances of Deprived Communities?:A Case Study of Kings Norton NDC Area in Birmingham, UK | The Korea Spatial Planning | 2018
Searching for ‘community’ and ‘community involvement’ in urban policy | International Journal of Urban Science | 2018
In an era of economic austerity, ‘community empowerment’, for whom? Perspectives on the Coalition’s urban policy in the UK | Space and Environment | 2017


오마이뉴스 | 도시연구자 경신원의 집 이야기 | 2023
오마이뉴스 | 축소의 시대, 매력적인 도시로 살아남기 | 2024


MBC 다큐플렉스 ‘아파트 연대기’(25-26 화) | 2021