  • 작성일 최종 업데이트 24-07-18 01:51 ACADEMIC JOURNALS
    Housing and urban (re)development policy and practice​Urban regeneration and sustainable communities​Comparative housing and urban (re)development policy and practice​Neighborhood renewal and community involvement​Neighborhood change and gentrification​Housing, poverty and social exclusion (migrant workers and refugees)​Social capital, community cohesion and community resilience​Universal design f..
  • 작성일 최종 업데이트 24-07-18 01:50 PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS
     Kyung, S. (2017) Lessons from the Housing Market Renewal Programme in England. World and Cities, 20:24-33. ​ Kyung, S. (2011) Productive Welfare: Improving self-sufficiency in the most vulnerable public and assisted housing families through                         supportive services. Planning and Policy, 359: 83-97.​..
  • 작성일 최종 업데이트 24-07-18 01:50 CONFERENCE PAPERS
     Kyung, S. and Kim, K-J. ‘State-facilitated gentrification’ in Seoul, South Korea, The struggle to Belong. Dealing with diversity in                         21st century urban settings, International Sociological Association Research Committee 21 (ISA-RC 21) Conference,                 &nb..
  • 작성일 최종 업데이트 24-07-18 01:49 BOOKS
    Kyung, S. (2021) 엄마 말대로 그때 아파트를 샀어야 했다 고용 없는 경제성장시대에 '집'이란 무엇인가?. 사무사책방, Seoul.​​Kyung, S. (2019) 흔들리는 서울의 골목길: 밀레니얼과 젠트리피케이션. 파람북, Seoul.  Kyung, S. (2015) Urban renaissance in Birmingham. In Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (ed.) Planners’ eyes on cities of                          the world. Hanol, Seoul.​
  • 작성일 최종 업데이트 24-07-18 01:48 REPORTS
     Popkin, S., Molly Scott, Parilla, J., Falkenburger, E., McDaniel, M., and Kyung, S. (2012) Planning the Housing Opportunity and Services                         Together Demonstration Challenges and Lessons Learned, Urban Institute, Washington, DC.​ Kyung, S. (2010) Housing renewal policy and deprived community in England,..